I write about the projects I've worked on, and my experience and learnings along the way
Dear Sir, You Have Built Kubernetes
A tale of how a simple deployment script turned into a monster that could rival Kubernetes.
Building a Search Engine
Techology choices that we can make while building a conversational, multimodal search experience
The day when we received a 1GB message on our RabbitMQ (did we?) and how we handled it
Splitting a Microservice
We had a microservice hosted in Google Kubernetes Engine that was giving us 5xx errors during scaling. We explore the reasons and solution in this post.
Tree Cache
How we implemented a type safe distributed cache in TS that supported partial invalidations
2023 - Year In Review
As a software engineer, I helped build a few systems and products at work this year. Here I present a high level overview of my learnings and thoughts without specificities to the products I built.
Exploding with Type Safety
We explore the operation of exploding an object in this post, and make it robust by adding strong typing for its inputs and output
Lazy is Easy
Evaluating lazy helps to save computation power. But, how we can implement one?
The Implicit Arguments
Scala's functions are different since they accept two set of arguments as opposed to one in many programming languages. What does it serve? Let's look into it...
Exploring NextJS ISR
How I used NextJS' Incremental Static Regeneration in our static e-commerce website and built a GraphCMS extension to trigger it
Project Morpheous
How I built a fluent interface to transform spreadsheet data into JSON that can be imported via the APIs.
Experience and learnings during project that migrated the infra of a company to IaC using Pulumi