Exploding with Type Safety

We explore the operation of exploding an object in this post, and make it robust by adding strong typing for its inputs and output

Published On: 24 Sep 2023


Suppose we have an object, and one of its fields an array. Taking every array elements and adding the rest of the objects keys is exploding the object w.r.t that array element. For example, if we have an object {university: "XYZ", batch: 2019, students: [{name: "Alice"}, {name: "Bob"}]}, exploding it w.r.t students results in [{university: "XYZ", batch: 2019, name: "Alice"}, {university: "XYZ", batch: 2019, name: "Bob"}].

We can encounter the need for the explosion in many cases. For example, let’s have an e-commerce order object, where it contains the individual items in an array. When we want to process individual items with the order details, explosion is the suitable operation.

With understanding the explode operation, let’s proceed to define our goals clearly w.r.t to the result and type-safety

The Goals

  • We want to have a function explode(object, key) which does the explosion
  • The key not being present in object should result in type error
  • The key not being array should result in type error
  • The returned array must be appropriately typed

We are resorting to type errors in most of the cases as we can be confident about the function inputs when we run the code inside our app. If we want to ship this function in a library, we need to do runtime checks as well, as there is a possibility of this code called in plain JS without any typechecking. In this post, for the sake of breivity, We are omiting the runtime checks.

Solution without Types

The problem of explosion is easy and straightforward - we extract the value at the key, map over the array and add rest of the properties to every object in it.

const explode = (object, key) => {
  const { [key]: array, ...rest } = object
  return array.map((item) => ({

Moving to the Type Realm

Now, let’s add the types to the explode function, starting with the basics to match the JS schematics:

const explode = (object: object, key: string) => {
  const { [key]: array, ...rest } = object
  return array.map((item) => ({

TS yells us at about two problems here:

  1. We don’t know if the key is indeed a key of the object

  2. By virtue of that, array has type any, which makes item implicitly any.

Let’s first restrict key to be a valid key of object. Since our parameters have dependency now, we need to make our function generic. If the generic parameter is T, we can either mark object or key as T. For the reasons that will become evident later, let’s mark the object as T. With that, let’s also add generic constraint on T to be a subtype of object.

const explode = <T extends object>(object: T, key: keyof T) => {
  const { [key]: array, ...rest } = object
  return array.map((item) => ({

With this, we restrict key to be a valid key of T, not any string. This solves the problem #1. We still need to solve problem #2. Before doing that, let’s first restrict key to only the keys where value is an array.

Hello, Key Mapping!

Let’s first understand how keyof T looks like before filtering it:

type UniversityRecord = {
  university: string
  batch: number
  students: { name: string }[]

type Keys = keyof UniversityRecord
// "university" | "batch" | "students"

Thus, Keys is a union of strings, and it does not recursively descend into the object structure, which is as expected. Now, can we loop over the union? Unfortunately not. To understand why, remember there is no order in unions - a | b | c as b | c | a and etc. To loop over the keys and filter them out, we can use key remapping

type ArrayKeys<T extends object> = keyof {
  [K in keyof T as T[K] extends any[] ? K : never]: unknown

There are so many things going on here even if the code is deceptivly small. Let’s break down the things happening here:

  • We are looping over every key K in keyof T in a mapping context (inside []). Remember that such loop was not possible with unions.
  • We are remapping the key using as keyword. If we map the key to never, it will be excluded
  • Remapping supports conditions too - we check if T[K] is an array. If so, we keep K as it is; otherwise, we will exclude it using never.

Using this type helper, we can now define explode function as:

const explode = <T extends object>(object: T, key: ArrayKeys<T>) => {
  const { [key]: array, ...rest } = object
  return array.map((item) => ({

Now, we have to solve one problem: TS still does not know that object[key] is an array. While we can do further type manipulations, we can use runtime functions to solve this.

const explode = <T extends object>(object: T, key: ArrayKeys<T>) => {
  const { [key]: array, ...rest } = object
  return Array.isArray(array) ? array.map((item) => ({ ...item, ...rest })) : []

By adding Array.isArray, the array is treated as any[]. TS defines isArray as a type predicate with the following declaration:

function isArray(arg: any): arg is any[]

When isArray returns true, TS knows that the arg is any[], so we can access map and item is infered as any. Let’s try our new function definition to check if argument types work properly:

const res1 = explode(
    university: 'XYZ',
    batch: 2019,
    students: [{ name: 'Alice' }, { name: 'Bob' }],
) // type error

const res2 = explode(
    university: 'XYZ',
    batch: 2019,
    students: [{ name: 'Alice' }, { name: 'Bob' }],
) // no error

Well, so far so good. But if we check the return type of explode, it is any[], which makes it less useful in practice. Let’s solve that by adding a return type to it.

Enter Type Gymnastics

We have following information about explode(object, key):

  • It returns an array (well, TS is intelligent to know that already, as it infers any[] as the return type)
  • Every element of the array is an object.
  • The object is derived by concatenating two objects:
    1. object with key removed
    2. the type of elements of object[key]

With this information, we can write a type helper Explode:

type Explode<T extends object, K extends keyof T> = T[K] extends any[]
  ? (Omit<T, K> & T[K][number])[]
  : never

Few interesting things are happening here:

  • We constrint K to be keyof T, not ArrayKeys<T>. Using ArrayKeys here does not add any useful information as TS does not get to know T[K] is an array. Thus, we choose a simpler path.
  • We do the check T[K] extends any[] again, due to the reason explained above. If it does not, we return never. This case never happens if K extends ArrayKeys<T>
  • If the check passes, we omit K from T and intersect with the constituent type of T[K]
  • To get the constituent type of T[K], we index it on number, as arrays are indexed based on number

Now, we can proceed to type the explode function completly:

const explode = <T extends object, K extends ArrayKeys<T>>(
  object: T,
  key: K
) => {
  const { [key]: array, ...rest } = object
  return (
      ? array.map((item) => ({
      : []
  ) as Explode<T, K>

It looks little bit different from our above definition. Apart from the as Explode<T,K> cast, we typed key with K where K extends ArrayKeys<T>. Typing key as ArrayKeys<T> and passing typeof key to Explode will keep the generic argument to Explode as ArrayKeys<T>, not the specific literal type that is passed in key. With this, we can proceed to explode!


Let’s call explode few times to check if everything works well. For testing, let’s assume we have an e-commerce order object:

const order = {
  type: 'Order',
  customer: {
    name: 'Alice',
    address: '123 st.',
  items: [
      id: '111',
      name: 'Long sleeve T Shirt',
      price: 15,
      currency: 'USD',
      id: '232',
      name: 'Jeans',
      price: 12,
      currency: 'USD',
  offers: [
      code: 'FIRST-CUSTOMER',
      discountPercentage: '20',
      code: 'REFFERAL',
      discountPercentage: '10',

As per our expectations, explode on this object should work for items and offers, but not on other keys:

const result1 = explode(order, 'type') // type error
const result2 = explode(order, 'items') // works
const result2 = [
    id: "111",
    name: "Long sleeve T Shirt",
    price: 15,
    currency: "USD",
    type: "Order",
    customer: {
      name: "Alice",
      address: "123 st.",
    offers: [
        code: "FIRST-CUSTOMER",
        discountPercentage: "20",
        code: "REFFERAL",
        discountPercentage: "10",
    id: "232",
    name: "Jeans",
    price: 12,
    currency: "USD",
    type: "Order",
    customer: {
      name: "Alice",
      address: "123 st.",
    offers: [
        code: "FIRST-CUSTOMER",
        discountPercentage: "20",
        code: "REFFERAL",
        discountPercentage: "10",
const result3 = explode(order, 'offers') // works
const result3 = [
    code: "FIRST-CUSTOMER",
    discountPercentage: "20",
    type: "Order",
    customer: {
      name: "Alice",
      address: "123 st.",
    items: [
        id: "111",
        name: "Long sleeve T Shirt",
        price: 15,
        currency: "USD",
        id: "232",
        name: "Jeans",
        price: 12,
        currency: "USD",
    code: "REFFERAL",
    discountPercentage: "10",
    type: "Order",
    customer: {
      name: "Alice",
      address: "123 st.",
    items: [
        id: "111",
        name: "Long sleeve T Shirt",
        price: 15,
        currency: "USD",
        id: "232",
        name: "Jeans",
        price: 12,
        currency: "USD",

We can also check the output types of result2 and result3

type Simplify<T> = T extends object
  ? {
      [K in keyof T]: Simplify<T[K]>
  : T

type Result2 = Simplify<typeof result2>

type Result2 = {
  type: string
  customer: {
    name: string
    address: string
  offers: {
    code: string
    discountPercentage: string
  id: string
  name: string
  price: number
  currency: string

type Result3 = Simplify<typeof result3>

type Result3 = {
  type: string
  customer: {
    name: string
    address: string
  items: {
    id: string
    name: string
    price: number
    currency: string
  code: string
  discountPercentage: string

We can see that the type result matches the type of execution result, which made result2 and result3 strongly typed, and, caught invalid key in result1, making our explode function robust in type domain.


  • We solve an interesting problem of exploding an array property of an object.
  • The explode function takes in a object, and its key as the input. It returns an array where the keys and values are derived by concatenating every element of an array with rest of the properties of the input object
  • We implement the explode function in JS and define a goal of making it type-safe: it should not accept invalid arguments and should return a typed result
  • We use keyof operator combined with key remapping to make the arguments type-safe
  • We use a combination of Omit and number index to make return value typed
  • We test our approach by calling the function and verifying the correctness of both results and types