Recursive Types

An exploration of recursive logic in the type domain

Published On: 16 Sep 2023


Also Read: Recursive Types

TypeScript has a very solid type system that makes few things possible, which are not possible in other typed languages. To show the powers of TS type system, we will go through a practical problem in this post and sprinkle types to it to make it robust.

The Problem

APIs and Databases normally use differnet styles of naming variables. While API fields are camelCase most of the times, in DB, we often name columns in snake_case often.

Snake case names in DB are reasonable, as SQL is case-insensitvive. A variable in camelcase, say, jsonPayload is converted to jsonpayload unless quoted. Quoting is often inconvinent and often missed when working in a SQL console directly.

While ORMs can be configured to handle these conversions in majority of the cases, when we need to deal with db directly, we need to handle case conversion. The problem is to handle the conversion in a type-safe way. We will solidify our expectations soon.

The Beginnings

Let’s start with a JS function to convert camel case strings to snake case, and iteratively add features later on. Converting a camel case string to snake case is easy — we iterate through the characters of the word, if we find an uppercase letter, we emit an underscore (_) and the corresponding uppercase letter. Otherwise, we will just emit the current letter. Let’s assume that word does not contain any special characters (it makes sense, as we can’t use special characters while naming identifiers and DB columns).

const isUpperCase = (letter) =>
  letter === letter.toUpperCase()

const toSnakeCase = (word) =>
    .map((letter) =>
        ? ["_", letter.toLowerCase()]
        : [letter],

const result1 = toSnakeCase("helloWorld") // "hello_world"
const result2 = toSnakeCase("helloWorldTest") // "hello_world_test"

That was simple. Let’s write a function to convert keys of an object to snake case while perserving the values as-is. Think of the input object as whatever we got in API body, and the output as what we want to write to DB.

const convertKeysToSnakeCase = (object) =>
    Object.entries(object).map(([key, value]) => [

const result = convertKeysToSnakeCase({
  apiVersion: "2023-02",
  jsonPayload: "{hello: 2}",
// { api_version: "2023-02", json_payload: "{hello: 2}" }

Sprinkle some Types!

Let’s start by tyoing adding types to isUpperCase and toSnakeCase functions

const isUpperCase = (letter: string) =>
  letter === letter.toUpperCase()

const toSnakeCase = (word: string) =>
    .map((letter) =>
        ? ["_", letter.toLowerCase()]
        : [letter],

Note that the return types are infered as string in both the cases, so we don’t need to type it explicitly. Type Inference is a powerful tool in TS which eliminates the need of type annotation in most of the cases. I have explored a few examples in my last post, go check it out too!

Now, it is time to type convertKeysToSnakeCase too. We can start as:

const convertKeysToSnakeCase = (object: object) =>
    Object.entries(object).map(([key, value]) => [

Typing object param as object (sorry for the repitition!) makes sense, and output type is infered as {[k: string]: any}, which is an object with only string keys.

Setting Expectations

When we pass an object through convertKeysToSnakeCase, we lose all type information and we can index the result with any key. Ideally, the keys should get converted to snake case in type and all other key accesses should result in type error. Put it in code,

const result = convertKeysToSnakeCase({
  apiVersion: "2023-02",
  jsonPayload: "{hello: 2}",
}) // Should result in a type error saying that the key does not exist
result.json_payload // Should be no error, type should be string
result.jsonPayload // Should result in a type error saying that the key does
not exist

With the expectations set, we can move on to solving the problem. The solution is exactly as Literal Magic, but presented in a differnet way.

Enter Generics

We want a type ConvertKeysToSnakeCase which accpets a generic type T which should be an object, and convert its keys to snake case. Let’s start by ensuring that the type only accepts objects as input:

type ConvertKeysToSnakeCase<T extends object> = T

type Result1 = ConvertKeysToSnakeCase<42> // Error
type Result2 = ConvertKeysToSnakeCase<{
  apiVersion: string
  jsonPayload: string
}> // Success

We added a generic constraint that T should be a subtype of object, which is making sure that we don’t accidentally pass in other types. Now, somehow, we have to loop over the keys of the object and transform them into snake case. Let’s assume that there is a helper ToSnakeCase to convert individual keys to snake case.

type ToSnakeCase<T extends string> = T // It does nothing now

type ConvertKeysToSnakeCase<T extends object> = {
  [Key in keyof T as ToSnakeCase<
    Key & string
  >]: T[Key]

In Key in keyof T as ToSnakeCase<Key & string>, we are looping over all keys of T (got by keyof T), with indivual key as Key. Then, we are mapping it using as keyword to ToSnakeCase<Key>. We need Key & string in the argument as key of an object may be string | number | symbol, and we want eliminate number | symbol from the loop.

Now, let’s move to the fun part of implementing ToSnakeCase itself!

Hi Recursion!

To implement the type ToSnakeCase<T extends string>, we can’t iterate over indivual items of string unfortunately as we did in toSnakeCase function (However, TS supports iterating over the keys of an object using keyof as we just saw). TS supports recursion with template literal types. Before going to TS, let’s try solving the problem in JS recursively.

const isUpperCase = (letter: string) =>
  letter === letter.toUpperCase()

const toSnakeCase = (word: string): string => {
  const [first,] = word
  if (!first) return "" // Base case
  const restString = rest.join("")
  return isUpperCase(first)
    ? `_${first.toLowerCase()}${toSnakeCase(
    : `${first}${toSnakeCase(restString)}`

const result1 = toSnakeCase("helloWorld") // "hello_world"

Let’s break down how this is working:

  • We first split the word into first and rest, where first is string | undefined, and rest is string[]using JS spread syntax
  • first will be undefined whenever word="", so we return "" in that case (by equality, we could have returned first too, but returning "" gives clarity to the reader)
  • We convert rest to a string to prepare it to be called recursively
  • We check if first is an uppercase, similar to iterative case. If it is the case then emit an underscore and corresponding lowercase letter; otherwise, we don’t change first
  • We append the result of the recursion to the first character using JS Template Strings.

Note that:

  • We had to explicitly type the return value of toSnakeCase as string as TS infered any as the return type of recursive function
  • While this code works fine in native JS, in order for it to work in TS, we need to set "downlevelIteration": true

Splitting an iterable to its head and body is a common operation in many functional programming languages, which enables an operation on head and recursion on body. Fortunately, TS provides such functionality too, which we can leverage. Let’s explore the functionality:

type ListComponents<T> = T extends [
  infer First,
  ...infer Rest,
  ? { head: First; body: Rest }
  : never

type StringComponents<T> =
  T extends `${infer First}${infer Rest}`
    ? { head: First; body: Rest }
    : never

type ListResult1 = ListComponents<[]>
// type ListResult1 = never
type ListResult2 = ListComponents<[2]>
type ListResult2 = {
    head: 2;
    body: [];
type ListResult3 = ListComponents<[1, 2, 3, 4]>
type ListResult3 = {
    head: 1;
    body: [2, 3, 4];
type ListResult4 = ListComponents<"hello">
// type ListResult4 = never

type StringResult1 = StringComponents<"">
// type StringResult1 = never
type StringResult2 = StringComponents<"a">
type StringResult2 = {
    head: "a";
    body: "";
type StringResult3 = StringComponents<"abc">
type StringResult3 = {
    head: "a";
    body: "bc";
type StringResult4 = StringComponents<["a", "b"]>
// type StringResult4 = never

TS is doing Pattern Matching here - [infer First, ...(infer Rest)] and ${infer First}${infer Rest} are the patterns. If the input matches the pattern, the type variables First and Rest will get their respective values. In the first pattern, we needed ... to explicitly tell that Rest should be an array. In second pattern, Rest is automatically resolved to rest of the characters.

With the power of pattern matching in hand, we can easily convert the recursive version of toSnakeCase into a type.

type ToSnakeCase<T extends string> =
  T extends `${infer First}${infer Rest}`
    ? First extends Uppercase<First>
      ? `_${Lowercase<First>}${ToSnakeCase<Rest>}`
      : `${First}${ToSnakeCase<Rest>}`
    : T

type Result1 = ToSnakeCase<"helloWorldTest"> // hello_world_test
type Result2 = ToSnakeCase<"JsonPayload"> // _json_payload

This code looks very similar to the function code we have written, except that it is working in Type Domain, meaning it does not do any runtime action. Note that the Uppercase and Lowercase helpers are provided by TS. What if we could have same code across Type Domain and runtime?! - well, providing a runtime type system is not one of the TS goals.

With ToSnakeCase in our hand, we can revisit ConvertKeysToSnakeCase now.

type ConvertKeysToSnakeCase<T extends object> = {
  [Key in keyof T as ToSnakeCase<
    Key & string
  >]: T[Key]

type ObjectResult = ConvertKeysToSnakeCase<{
  apiVersion: string
  jsonPayload: string
  api_version: string;
  json_payload: string;

And there we are! Now we can add types to convertKeysToSnakeCase function

const convertKeysToSnakeCase = <T extends object>(
  object: T,
) =>
    Object.entries(object).map(([key, value]) => [
  ) as ConvertKeysToSnakeCase<T>

With that,

const result = convertKeysToSnakeCase({
  apiVersion: "2023-02",
  jsonPayload: "{hello: 2}",
}) // Error: Property 'abc' does not exist...
result.json_payload // Works
result.jsonPayload // Error: Property 'jsonPayload' does not exist...

And we have successfully achieved the expectations! Note that few edge cases exist in our implementation, for a comprehensive treatment on this usecase, please look into my earlier post.

More Recursion!

Having solved camel case to snake case conversion in both runtime and type domain, let’s do the same of reverse.

// Iterative version
const toCamelCase = (snakeCaseString: string) =>
  snakeCaseString.replaceAll(/_./g, (match) =>,

Here, we find all underscores and the next character, and replace it with the uppercase version of the next character.

Bug Alert: Both toSnakeCase and toCamelCase miss a few edge cases. Ideally, toSnakeCase(toCamelCase(s)) === s and toCamelCase(toSnakeCase(s)) === s, in both runtime and type domain, which is not the case here. I will leave it as an exercise to the reader to fix them to handle the edge cases.

We can also achive the same thing in recursion:

const capitalize = (word: string) => {
  const [first,] = word
  if (!first) return ""
  return `${first.toUpperCase()}${rest.join("")}`

const toCamelCase = (snakeCaseString: string) => {
  const [first,] = snakeCaseString
  if (!first) return ""
  const restString = rest.join("")
  return first === "_"
    ? capitalize(toCamelCase(restString))
    : `${first}${toCamelCase(restString)}`

The recursive version is similar to toSnakeCase w.r.t splitting and the base case, but has a different logic during recursion.

Now, we can convert this to type domain.

type ToCamelCase<T extends string> =
  T extends `${infer First}${infer Rest}`
    ? First extends "_"
      ? Capitalize<ToCamelCase<Rest>>
      : `${First}${ToCamelCase<Rest>}`
    : T

We can go one step forward and use TS pattern matching to our advantage:

type ToCamelCase<T extends string> =
  T extends `${infer First}_${infer Rest}`
    ? `${First}${Capitalize<ToCamelCase<Rest>>}`
    : T

Here we added underscore to the pattern itself to simplify the recursive case. Note the we can’t to this type of pattern matching in JS yet!

Concluding Remarks

Recursion is a powerful tool. It is the method of solving a chunk of a problem at a time, and then repeating the same on one or more subproblems. Recursion also helps to bring out the mathematical structure of the problem. While recursion is generally not optimized in many procedural languages, they are heavily optimized in functional languages and are fun to use!


  • We explore the type programming and role of the recursion in it using a practical problem
  • The problem is to convert camel case keys of an object to snake case, and retaining the type information doing so
  • We first understand the solutions in an iterative manner and have a working logic in the JS domain
  • We then proceed to type the program, and while doing so, we understand that we lose the type information during the conversion
  • To preserve the type information, we implement type helpers using keyof helper and recursion
  • We conclude with exploring a related problem and understanding the pattern matching capabilities of JS